Friday, January 24, 2020
A Promise Is A Promise :: Personal Narrative Death Friendships Papers
A Promise Is A Promise The room was ridiculously cold and my skin was damp against the sheets. No matter how extreme the temperature, I am addicted to the calming lull of the air conditioner as I sleep. It’s what they call my â€Å"white noise.†The afternoon sun was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds as its rays snuck in through the blinds. The muscles in my neck and shoulders were throbbing. I was still trying to get used to my awkward dorm room bed. A muffled voice traveled through the paper-thin brick wall and the sound of familiar music took center stage in my dreams. At first, I was pissed off because my new neighbor was interrupting my precious nap, but I soon realized that I had a special attachment to the song she was singing. It instantly reminded me of an old friend. As I drifted back to sleep, I began to dream about a childhood memory. I remember feeling as if the day was never going to end. Even now as an adult, my concentration still seems to plummet as the weekend approaches. At that time in my life, the degree of patience I could sustain had only been maturing for ten short years. I made that particular school day even more unnecessarily dramatic than usual since I knew it wasn’t just an average Friday. Instead of going to my house after school as usual, I was going home with my best friend. After hours of literally twiddling my thumbs (like I said, I was a dramatic child), we were finally standing outside at the parent pick-up location with the other eager elementary students. My book bag was light on my back, which meant there was no homework in store for me tonight. All I had to look forward to was a sleepover filled with PG-13 movies, a nauseating amount of Reese’s Pieces and Mountain Dew, and prank phone calls to random boys who were also in Mrs. Webb’s fifth grade class. I loved prank phone calls. As I bent down to tie my shoelace, a slippery raindrop slithered down my lightly freckled cheek. Before I had the chance to look up at the silver sky, the clouds exploded like champagne flowing over the edge of a bottle. Renee grabbed my hand, and we darted off as fast as our little legs could run. As I hopped into the middle of the backseat, the scent of the brand new car continued to saturate my already moist pores. A Promise Is A Promise :: Personal Narrative Death Friendships Papers A Promise Is A Promise The room was ridiculously cold and my skin was damp against the sheets. No matter how extreme the temperature, I am addicted to the calming lull of the air conditioner as I sleep. It’s what they call my â€Å"white noise.†The afternoon sun was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds as its rays snuck in through the blinds. The muscles in my neck and shoulders were throbbing. I was still trying to get used to my awkward dorm room bed. A muffled voice traveled through the paper-thin brick wall and the sound of familiar music took center stage in my dreams. At first, I was pissed off because my new neighbor was interrupting my precious nap, but I soon realized that I had a special attachment to the song she was singing. It instantly reminded me of an old friend. As I drifted back to sleep, I began to dream about a childhood memory. I remember feeling as if the day was never going to end. Even now as an adult, my concentration still seems to plummet as the weekend approaches. At that time in my life, the degree of patience I could sustain had only been maturing for ten short years. I made that particular school day even more unnecessarily dramatic than usual since I knew it wasn’t just an average Friday. Instead of going to my house after school as usual, I was going home with my best friend. After hours of literally twiddling my thumbs (like I said, I was a dramatic child), we were finally standing outside at the parent pick-up location with the other eager elementary students. My book bag was light on my back, which meant there was no homework in store for me tonight. All I had to look forward to was a sleepover filled with PG-13 movies, a nauseating amount of Reese’s Pieces and Mountain Dew, and prank phone calls to random boys who were also in Mrs. Webb’s fifth grade class. I loved prank phone calls. As I bent down to tie my shoelace, a slippery raindrop slithered down my lightly freckled cheek. Before I had the chance to look up at the silver sky, the clouds exploded like champagne flowing over the edge of a bottle. Renee grabbed my hand, and we darted off as fast as our little legs could run. As I hopped into the middle of the backseat, the scent of the brand new car continued to saturate my already moist pores.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Limescale: Water and Vinegar Essay
Limescale is the deposits left behind by hard water. Limescale is mainly made up of calcium and magnesium. We advise you not to use acetic acid-based descaler (vinegar), as this could have a negative effect on the taste of the coffee. Note: Never use a vinegar-based descaling agent with 8% or more acetic acid to descale the appliance, as this may cause damage. (2) citric acid is used mainly for home use, for getting rid of lime scale,(kettles, baths, toilets), in hard water areas. It is a natural material (found in fruit), and is non toxic, and doesn’t smell like vinegar would if you used that. By the way, I’ve answered your sulfamic acid question. (3) Citric acid is a colourless fruit acid. It is obtained directly from citrus fruits but can also be produced biotechnically. In system cleaning, the citric acid in AquaStar 1 is used for natural and effective descaling of the drinking water system (the water heater in particular). The descaling effect is achieved by a combination of the acid and the formation of a calcium complex. The advantage of using citric acid instead of vinegar for cleaning drinking water systems is the avoidance of the unpleasant vinegary taste. Citric acid also affords better corrosion protection to stainless steel containers by removing free iron from their surfaces. Vinegar is produced by fermenting alcoholic liquids with acetic acid bacteria (Mycoderma aceti). Vinegar is a descaling agent due to its acid content, but it leaves behind an unpleasant taste which adheres to plastics and rubber and is very difficult to remove. Vinegar is not suitable for descaling drinking water systems in mobile homes, as it attacks rubber seals and even some metals. (4) Many people believe that vinegar is the best limescale remover. However, using a citric acid-based decalcifier may cause precipitation and thus deposits that can prevent your household appliances from functioning properly, for example by clogging the fine lines and valves in coffee machines. The citric acid can also create an insoluble film that seals off the limescale deposits. Moreover, the decalcification process will take significantly longer with citric acid than with durgol ®. The acetic acid and flavour additives in vinegar or vinegar essence produce an unpleasant odour during decalcification. A further problem is that the odour can be absorbed into plastic materials, an unwelcome side effect especially in food-related applications. Furthermore, certain plastics can be damaged by acetic acid. As with citric acid, decalcification takes significantly longer with vinegar than with durgol ®. (5) Advantages of using Sulphamic Acid Sulphamic Acid has very high shelf life. Sulphamic acid do not require storage/handing arrangement hence no adulteration possible. Sulphamic acid has very high effectivity of the descaling. Complete cleaning can be chemically achieved by Sulphamic acid and does not require post descaling manual cleaning. Sulphamic acid is safe acid, packed in 50 kgs HDPE bags and has no handling hazards. No storage tanks / system required for dosing. The solid can be directly charged to system eliminating the cost of system reduces the leave of scaling solids and acts as anti – descalant. Accidental excess dosing does not affect the metal of the circulating system but it acts to remove the deposited scale from the system. It is recommended to does into the cooling water for descaling the condenser on running plant. (6) Use vinegar to clean away the scale that forms at the base of your kettle or around your showerhead. The acid in vinegar makes it a great all-round cleaner, and it’s also what makes it an ideal natural descaler. Use the cheapest vinegar you can find. Pour this into your kettle and leave it overnight. The next day, pour the vinegar back into its bottle – you can keep it and reuse it for descaling, it’ll work time and time again. Just remember to label the bottle so you don’t mix it up with the vinegar you use in your food! You’ll see that your kettle is sparkling and scale-free once you’ve treated it with vinegar overnight. Rinse it out well, and boil a couple of kettles of water to remove any traces of vinegar before using it again. You can also put your showerhead in a bowl of vinegar – again, it’s best to leave this overnight. The vinegar will clean away any scale that builds up around the water holes in your shower head. It’s good to do this regularly (every couple of months) as blocked holes in your shower head can actually cause water temperature fluctuations, which are never pleasant in the shower! As with the vinegar you use for your kettle, you can re-use vinegar descaling the showerhead. (7) Limescale consists of insoluble calcium salts such as calcium carbonate. Descalers act by forming soluble calcium salts allowing the scale to be washed away . These descalers are usually acidic – vinegar can be used as a descaler because it contains acetic acid and it will react with the scale to produce calcium acetate, which is soluble. The disadvantage of vinegar is that it has a strong taste and smell – so if it is used to descale a kettle , the taste and smell will linger for some time giving a bad taste to tea or coffee made using water from the kettle. Citric acid is preferred because it does not have this disadvantage. It will produce soluble calcium citrate.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The First Amendment Of Freedom Of Speech - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 743 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/27 Category Law Essay Level High school Tags: First Amendment Essay Freedom of Speech Essay Did you like this example? For this essay I have picked symbolic speech and a seditious speech. All of these speeches come under the First Amendment of freedom of speech. This is controversial and generates lot of arguments sometimes on a national level. So, what is freedom of speech in reality? It states that the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental For my symbolic speech I have chosen the Texas Vs Johnson court case. An exceptionally disputable court case in American history was Texas vs. Johnson (1984). In 1984, a man named Gregory Lee Johnson joined the individuals who were protesting against Regan to show their opposition of exploitation of third world nations by the American Government. This act of resistance brought about in the burning of the American flag. Out of around one hundred demonstrators who were included in this protest, Johnson was exclusively charged with the crime of burning the American flag. Johnson was indicted under Texas law, which made the burning of the national or the state flag a crime. Johnson was indicted and sentenced to one year in prison and fined two thousand dollars for his wrongdoing in compensation. Johnson went to the court and his defense stated that under the symbolic speech he did not do anything wrong. And, in the end the court ruled in Johnsons favor protecting his right to free speech under the First Amendment. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The First Amendment Of Freedom Of Speech" essay for you Create order I disagree with the ruling little bit because even though the punishment was little too harsh for the crime. I disagree because if someone or some group has a problem with governments actions against their own or some other country, they shouldnt start burning flags or other things. Burning a national flag is disrespectful since it is not going to change anything and it will send a wrong signal to others that doing this is a right way to show your opposition to any policy. There are lot of things which we dont agree with but that should not result in a violence or burning flags and other things. Protect can be done in a peaceful manner and there are other avenues to make your voice and opinion heard. For my seditious speech, which provokes people to tumble the government. It also targets a particular leader in the government and it was criminalized back when the Alien and Sedition Act was introduced. Brandenburg versus Ohio case which occurred in 1969 is one of the example of sedition. Brandenburg was a Ku Klux Klan leader who planned a rally in Hamilton County, Ohio. Brandenburg called a columnist in Cincinnati before the rally was about to commence in order to communicate the occasion he was holding. Around twelve individuals from the Klan went to the occasion, at which they seared a cross. Brandenburg was dressed in a Klan uniform and conveyed a speech expressing We are not an exacting retribution association, but if our President, our Congress, our Supreme Court, keep on suppressing the white Caucasian race, its conceivable that there might need to be some vengeance taken. Amid the rally, around twelve individuals shouted bigot remarks and furthermore needed Jews to be sent back to Israel. After this Brandenburg was indicted and convicted in violation of Ohios Criminal Syndicalism Act. Brandenburg appealed against his indictment but it was overthrown because it was unlawful for any organization to assemble to provoke violence, terrorism etc. to accomplish any sort of reform. He then went to appeal in the Ohio Supreme Court and they also rejected his appeal on grounds that there werent any genuine constitutional issues involved. Brandenburg did not stop there and appealed in the Supreme Court and finally the Supreme Court overturned his conviction stating that it is against the first and fourteenth amendment. I do not agree with the Supreme Court to overturn his conviction because rallies like this can create a nationwide hatred which can lead to a greater violence across the country. No matter how much we disagree with the government and their policies we must not burn down any religious symbols or anything for that matter because it will not solve the underlying issue or issues. Any protest, rally or speech which results in an act of violence must be stopped and the person responsible treason must be punished.
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