Monday, December 30, 2019
Maslow s Hierarchy Of Motivation - 890 Words
In the world we live everyone possess different perspective of something to motivate them. Maslow’s Hierarchy describe motivation in a pyramid that detailed the levels of such things. The first level of this pyramid is the physiological aspect which it states that human beings need breathe normally in order to survive, be able to eat every day, have access to water, as well as being capable to have sexual relationships, and finally being able to have a comfortable sleep. In illustration of this level we could look at our own behavior as we feel the need to eat and sleep, also we all go through the circle of life which is homeostasis. The second level is safety this level covers security of: body, employment, resources, morality, family, health, and property. As an example the way we seek employment as a way to gain economic safety and the necessary of wealth to keep moving every day. The third level deals with friendship, family, and sexual intimacy. This is the level that co uld be describe as affections we need and give on an everyday basis. For example, we all at least have one person we care about like a family member or a partner. In addition sexual intimacy is a necessary for a successful relationship. In the fourth level we could find the concept of esteem which is broke-down in self-esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, and respect by others for instead, the respect we give to teacher and the respect we get from them. Also if you are a shy personShow MoreRelatedMaslow S Theory Of Motivation And Hierarchy Of Needs2239 Words  | 9 Pagesï » ¿ Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Pablo Valdez Liberty University Abstract Abraham Maslow introduced a very simple way of understanding the needs of a person. The Hierarchy of Needs sorts the needs of the lowest and most basic levels to the higher levels. Maslow then arises within their theory of personality, the concept of hierarchy of needs, which needs are structurally organized with varying degrees of power, according to a biological determination given by our genetic makeupRead MoreMotivation Theory And Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs917 Words  | 4 Pagesthey are capable of being, and is based upon the premise that humans are inherently predisposed to improve themselves (Deci, Ryan Guay 2013). Two important theories of the path to self-actualization include self-determination theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. There are noted similarities and differences between the two theories. Self-determination theory describes three patterns of behavior that are important for self-actualization. The first important patterns of behavior are those intrinsicallyRead MoreThe Hierarchy Of Needs Theory Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesThe Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory Living beings act, and their behavior is driven by incentives, needs, and drives. Animals act only by their instinctive desires. The behavior of animals is due to instinctive desires rather than by thought. However, where does man s behavior originate from? Many psychologists have studied this topic with interest. Man s behavior is also influenced by human desires. However, how human desires influence human behavior is a very important issue. OnRead MoreMotivation, As The Causes Of Our Behaviour1644 Words  | 7 PagesMotivation Introduction Mitchell (1982, p.82) describes motivation as â€Å"the degree to which an individual wants and chooses to engage in certain specified behaviours†. Hence, in general, behaviour is determined by certain motives, thus, Vroom and Deci (1992, p.33) considered motivation â€Å"as the causes of our behaviour†. 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The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs include five levels, and at the certain extent, reflect the rule of human s activities on psychological and behavior. Herzberg’ describe the more details of worker agree or disagree about working. In this essay, more related knowledge details and effects will de described, then, analysis the two theories individual, choose a better one. II. Describe the two theories. 2.1Maslow’s hierarchy of needs The Maslow’s hierarchy of needsRead MoreMotivation Theories Of A Diverse Workforce During Times Of Change Essay1696 Words  | 7 PagesLeadership, Motivation, Change Introduction In this paper two motivation theories in a diverse workforce during times of change will be discuss. Differences, including theoretical premises, between two models will be explained. Details relates to challenges and opportunities in a diverse workforce will identified. Strategies to keep a workforce motivated during organizational change will be point out. 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Maslow developed his ‘hierarchy of needs’ in an attempt to describe patterns of human behaviour, and to try to understand the processes behind the actions of consumers. In essenceRead MoreMotivation Theories, Content And Process Theories910 Words  | 4 PagesMotivation in the workplace can often be a difficult challenge for organizations to address. The capability to effect motivation is believed to be vital in a corporation, as a motivated worker is often an effective one. Needs theories of motivation are implemented in order to assist managers in improving employee’s work rate, efficiency and output. There are two main types of needs motivation theories, content and process theories. These methods also try to ensure employee turnover will decrease
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Farming During The Great Depression - 1210 Words
Alexis Teters Mr. Zahler History 20 November 2015 Farming During the Great Depression There were many factors that caused the Great Depression. But one of the main causes of the Great Depression was the farming conditions. Before the Great Depression life was great! The American life was starting to get better and better. But In the early 1930 s soil was reduced to dust and eroded, because of drought and improper farming practice. This period of long, stressful farming conditions was known as the Dust Bowl. It led to the increased number of deaths in the 1930’s. The Dust Bowl has some major effects on the U.S. such as death, people unable to pay taxes and people were unable to purchase food. Before the Dust Bowl, life was pretty good. The nation just survived a very deadly influenza epidemic in 1918. The car was a fairly new invention and was starting to be a pretty popular thing. People had more leisure time and would often do things like watch a baseball game or gather with friends and family to listen to the radio. Women started to defy standards set for them. These women otherwise known as flappers, would smoke in public, wear skirts that had the hemline adjusted so they were just past the ankle, intertwine with the male gender more often and in more rebellious ways and wear makeup. Businesses started paying their workers a more appropriate wage. This meant consumers were able to buy the products businesses were selling without going into debt. The United States wasShow MoreRelatedThe Struggle Of The 1920s1322 Words  | 6 PagesThe Struggle of the 1930s: What the Great Depression Did to America During the decades of the 1920s and 1930s, the United States underwent a series of changes that had a drastic effect on people across the nation. As the economy began to slow to a halt, millions of people were left broke and without jobs. As the country’s farmers were paralyzed with debt, food prices increased radically (McElvaine). During the mid-1930s, a series of droughts coupled with poor agricultural methods led to years ofRead MoreThe Famine Of The Great Plains1202 Words  | 5 PagesIn the 1930’s one of the most devastating environmental catastrophes occurred in the United States. It was called the â€Å"Dust Bowl†. This decade-long drought, of the Great Plains, was caused by inappropriate and poor farming practices. Not only was there a drought; there was also a severe economic depression that was occurring as well. This combination of economic failure and the drought led to a desolate land, lost lives, misplaced workers, and lose of crops and live stock. The time in historyRead MoreThe Great Depression And Dust Bowl1165 Words  | 5 PagesEnglish III 6 April 2017 The Great Depression/Dust Bowl The ‘Dirty Thirties’ is perhaps one of the most known time periods in American History. During the 1930s, the worst and longest drought occurred in the United States, this was also know as the Dust Bowl. According to Christopher Klein, the Dust Bowl is considered both a man-made and natural disaster. In fact, many events contributed to the Dust Bowl such as poor farming techniques, a severe drought, and economic depression. One of the main causesRead MoreThe Great Depression : The Dust Bowl984 Words  | 4 Pages The Great Depression was a horrible time in American history, with as much as one-fourth of the population out of work. One of the hardest hit areas of the population was the agricultural center of the United States in the area that would come to be known as the Dust Bowl. The problems that the people of the Dust Bowl dealt with however were not a result of the Depression as a whole but instead were the result of a combination of bad farming decisions and a horrible drought. Even though the timingRead MoreThe Cause and Effects of the Great Depression Essay1443 Words  | 6 Pagesspeculate that the stock market crash of 1929 was the main cause of The Great Depression. In fact, The Great Depression was caused by a series of factors, and the effects of the depression were felt for many years after the stock market crash of 1929. By looking at the stock market crash of 1929, bank failures, r eduction of purchasing, American economic policy with Europe, and drought conditions, it becomes apparent that The Great Depression was caused by more than just the stock market crash. The effectsRead MoreDust Bowl of the 1930s911 Words  | 4 Pages The â€Å"Dust Bowl†was the name given to the Great Plains region that was greatly affected by drought in the 1930’s during the Great Depression. The major contribution that led to the Dust Bowl was overproduction of crops however there were some natural causes. â€Å"Much of the soil there had been damaged by wind and rain. 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The truth was that no one s business was in good condition and would notRead MoreThe Great Depression 1051 Words  | 5 PagesFormer President Calvin Coolidge said, â€Å"In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which were solid and upon which you could base hope, but as I look about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope- nothing of man†and to some extent it was true. Americans lost all hope in life entering a deep dark tunnel with no light in the end. The Great Depression was not something that appeared out of thin air; it grew over time like a tumor andRead MoreThe Experience of Suffering in John Steinbecks Grapes of Wrath554 Words  | 3 Pages The ideal American Dream for all the migrants who are hardly surviving the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl. John Steinbeck’s ultimate goal by writing this phenomenal, very controversial and outrageous novel was to bring the reader back in time in order for them to experience the life of the migrants suffering during the great Depression but also to criticize all the high authoritiesâ€â€most particularly in the farming industryâ€â€who have mistreated the migrants and given them false hopes. Steinbeck’sRead MoreFDR’s Alphabet Soup1158 Words  | 5 PagesDuring the summer of 1933, job recovery was still a major part of ending the Great Depression. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and the National Recovery Administration (NRA) was the largest piece of industrial recovery and regulations during the time period. FDR stated, â€Å"Its object is to put industry and business workers into employment and increase their pur chasing power through increased wages.†It did abundantly more than that. It also ended child labor, sweat shops, and lowered weekly
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Characterization Of A Glycerol Based Polymer Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(33) " of glycerin with iminodiacetic\." In oleochemical industry, glycerin ( 1,2,3-propanetriol ) is ever produced as a byproduct in the fabrication of acids, soaps, methyl esters, intoxicants or nitrogen-containing derived functions. It can besides be made from propene via epichlorohydrin ( 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane ) . However, the petrochemical supply path is less of import due to the increasing supply of glycerin from oleochemical industry, the high monetary value of propylene and the demand for epichlorohydrin for other intents ( Gunstone A ; Henning, 2004 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Characterization Of A Glycerol Based Polymer Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Figure 1.1 Glycerol Glycerol possesses a alone combination of physical and chemical belongingss which are utilized in many commercial merchandises. It is hygroscopic, colourless, odorless, syrupy, sweet-tasting, low boiling point, non-toxic, demulcent, a good dissolver, and H2O soluble. Besides, it is easy biodegradable ( Gunstone A ; Henning, 2004 ) . Furthermore, it is really stable under normal storage conditions, compatible with many other chemical stuffs, non-irritating in its assorted utilizations, and does non hold negative effects on the environment ( Pagliaro A ; Rossi, 2008 ) . The glycerin market is presently undergoing extremist alterations, driven by really big supplies of glycerin originating from biodiesel production. The attempt to cut down the dependance on foreign oil has increased the production of biodiesel and glycerin is the major co-product from the transesterification procedure used to bring forth biodiesel. Hence, there is a demand to happen new utilizations for glycerin. Polymerization is one of the methods which big sum of glycerin can be used ( Wyatt et al. , 2006 ) . There two types of polymerisations. First, soluble merchandises are obtained irrespective of the extent to which the reaction is carried toward completion. The merchandises formed are chiefly additive polymers. The 2nd type of polymerisation is those that lead to gelled or indissoluble merchandises, provided that the reaction is carried far plenty. The reactants are capable of bring forthing big three dimensional molecules ( Flory, 1941 ) . Harmonizing to Flory ( 1941 ) , gelation occurs merely when there is the possibility of limitless growing in three dimensions. It is a important feature of polymerising systems to hold a aggressively defined gel point at a certain critical extent of reaction which is independent of temperature, sum of accelerator and so on. Through polymerisation of glycerin, the pre-polymers synthesized could be farther reacted to bring forth longer ironss of hyperbranched polymers. Hyperbranched polymers belong to the household of supermolecules known as dendrimers. Dendrimers are extremely branched monodispersed molecules produced by multistep syntheses. Preparation of dendrimers requires a high grade of pureness of the get downing stuff and high outputs of the single man-made measure. On the other manus, hyperbranched polymers are indiscriminately branched molecules prepared by a simple one-step reaction ( Wyatt et al. , 2006 ) via polyaddition, polycondensation, extremist polymerization, and so forth, of an ABn monomer ( Vogtle et al. , 2009 ) . Due to their alone combination of low viscousness, first-class solubility, and facile synthesis, hyperbranched polymers have received important attending ( Lin, Q A ; Long, T.E. , 2003 ) . Chemical reaction of the functional A groups with the functional B ( matching ) groups of a 2nd monomer molecule gives rise to randomly branched molecule. Since the C groups are present in surplus ( n a†°? 2 ) , crosslinking are avoided from the beginning. Chemical reaction can be brought to a standstill by addtion of stopper constituents. Since the synthesis of hyperbranched polymers does non affect matching to core molecule, but merely ABn monomers react with one another. Both bifurcate molecules and additive sequences possibly formed ( Vogtle et al. , 2009 ) . Hyperbranched polymers produced from diacids ( A2 ) and glycerin ( B3 ) are an illustration of the AB2 system. AB2 monomers are non readily available and kinetic computations show that the first condensation reaction, which produces an AB2 species, is faster than the subsequent polymer extension. Therefore, the balance of the reaction progresses as polycondensation between AB2-type species prior to the gel point. Several methods have been used to avoid gelation in A2+B3 systems, including executing the reactions in dilute solutions or responding them in the absence of dissolvers while monitoring. This glycerol-based polymer is expected to demo similar belongingss and features as polyalkylene ethanediol ( PAG ) . A polyalkylene ethanediol holding the general expression: HO- [ R-O- ] n H in which N has a value of at least 2 and R is an alkylene extremist containing at least 10 C atoms. PAG liquid are used as man-made lubricators in many diverse applications. Therefore, glycerol-based polymers could besides hold the possible to be use every bit high public presentation lubricator, coolant or as a lubricant additive ( such as viscousness qualifier ) . Materials with polymeric constructions can be used in lubricator to heighten its belongingss, such as viscousness, pour point and so on. It can be used as get downing stuff for certain types of additives. These polymeric additives can be viscosity modifier, pour point sedatives, emulsifiers and demulsifiers, and foam inhibitor in lubricators ( Totten, G.E. et al. , 2003 ) . Oils can be effectual lubricators at low temperature. However, at higher temperature, they become less effectual. To get the better of this job, viscousness qualifiers are utile in minimising viscousness fluctuations with temperature. Viscosity qualifier is a polymer with mean molecular weights of 10000 to 150000. At all temperatures, viscousness qualifier is able to increase oil ‘s viscousness. The thickener of oil at lower temperature is less than that at higher temperature. At low temperatures, the polymer molecules busying a little volume have a minimal association with the majority oil. The state of affairs is reversed at high temperatures as the polymer ironss expand due to the increased thermic energy. Besides, at higher temperatures, polymers are more soluble and hence do the viscousness to increase ( Totten, G.E. et al. , 2003 ) . There are two types of viscousness qualifiers available commercially: olefin-based polymers and ester polymers. Polyisobutylenes ( PIBs ) , olefin copolymers ( OCPs ) , and hydrogenated styrene-diene ( STDs ) polymers. Ester polymers include polymethacrylates ( PMAs ) and styrene ester polymers ( SEs ) ( Totten, G.E. et al. , 2003 ) . Literature Review In a research done by Wyatt and his colleagues ( 2006 ) , fresh oligomeric prepolymers were synthesized by acid-catalyzed condensation of glycerin with iminodiacetic. You read "Characterization Of A Glycerol Based Polymer Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" The prepolymers were obtained after purification by chromatography in an mean output of 62 % . The compounds were characterized by utilizing 13C NMR, 1H NMR, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight-mass spectroscopy, and gel pervasion chromatography. It was discovered that additive merchandises bearing cyclic urethane constructions were obtained in the reaction between iminodiacetic acid and glycerin. Qi Lin and Timothy E. Long ( 2003 ) studied the polymerisation of A2 with B3 monomers to bring forth hyperbranched poly ( aryl estrer ) s. A dilute bisphenol A ( A2 ) solution was added easy to a dilute 1,3,5-benzene tricarbonyl trichloride ( B3 ) solution at 25A °C to fix hyperbranched poly ( aryl ester ) s in the absence of gelation. The molar ratio of A2: B3 was maintained at 1:1. The maximal concluding monomer concentration was ~0.08 M. The phenol functionalities were quantitatively consumed during the polycondensation. This was showed in 1H NMR spectrometry and derivitization of terminal groups. Two theoretical account compounds were synthesized to place 1H NMR resonances for additive, dentritic, and terminal units. The concluding grade of ramification was determined to be ~50 % . The hyperbranched polymers exhibited lower glass passage temperatures compared to their parallels. J.F. Stumbe and Bernd Bruchmann ( 2003 ) besides used the A2+B3 attack to fix hyperbranched polyesters with controlled molecular weights and belongingss. The procedure was carried out by responding glycerin and adipic acid without any dissolvers. Tin accelerators was used. The merchandises were evaluated by size exclusion chromatography ( SEC ) analysis and NMR spectrometry to find molecular weights and grades of ramification. A survey was besides carried out on the glycerin esters from reaction of glycerin with dicarboxylic esters. The glycerin esters were synthesized by the base catalyzed reaction of glycerin with aliphatic dicarboxylic acid esters ( such as dimethyl oxalate, dimethyl glutarate, dimethyl adipate, etc ) . Assorted parametric quantities that may impact the transesterification were studied in order to optimise the output of merchandises. The reactions were carried out by changing the glycerol/ester molar ratios. The optimal ratio was 4:1, whereby the measure of the monoester was 60 % after 8 h. The transition decreased somewhat when the grinder ratio exceeded 4:1. At higher temperatures, the sum of monoester in the reaction mixtures increased and it reached a maximal degree after 6 H when the reaction was carried out at 100 A °C to 120 A °C. It took 8 H at a lower temperature. However, the overall output at the terminal of the reaction was non affected by the temperature. The formation of both monoester and diester were produced in an overall output of 80 % after 15 H of reaction clip ( Cho et al. , 2006 ) . Sunder et. Al. ( 1999 ) carried out a controlled synthesis of hyperbranched polyglycerols by pealing opening multibranching polymerisation. Hyperbranched aliphatic polyethers with controlled molecular weights and narrow molecular weight distribution were prepared via anionic polymerisation of glycidol with rapid cation-exchange equilibrium. Glycidol which represents a cyclic AB2 monomer was polymerized in a ring-opening multibranching ( ROMBP ) . The anionic polymerisation was carried out under slow add-on conditions with partly deprotonated ( 10 % ) 1,1,1-tris ( hydroxymethyl ) propane ( TMP ) as the instigator. 13C NMR, MALDI-TOF spectroscopy, vapor force per unit area osmometry ( VPO ) , and GPC were used to qualify molecular weights and polydispersities of the polyols formed. The 13C NMR spectra used to measure the grade of ramification ( DB ) ranged from 0.53-0.59. A complete fond regard of hyperbranched polymers to TMP instigator and the absence of macrocyclics were showed in M ALDI-TOF spectra. There was no macrocyclics or hyperbranched supermolecule obtained, due to decelerate addtion. T.J. Mulkern and N.C. Beck Tan ( 2000 ) studied a series of blends of hyperbranched polyester with high molecular weight polystyrenes. The processability and compatibility in the blends were investigated as a map of volume fraction of hyperbranched polyols ( HBP ) added and responsiveness of the matrix stage. Due to its low viscousness and high responsiveness, HBP polymers are suited for reactive polymer blending. Through processing and rheological surveies, it was found that HBPs are effectual processing AIDSs. A important bead in the blend viscousness occurs instantly on add-on of HBP, even at degrees every bit low as 2 vol. % . In 1934, Herman Bruson discovered a man-made oil additive when he was researching the synthesis and possible applications of longer alkyl side concatenation methacrylates. Bruson ‘s innovation, polymethacrylates ( PMAs ) was found to hold the possible to work as thickening or viscousness index humanitarian for mineral oils. It increases viscousness at higher temperature more than at lower temperatures ( Kinker, B.G. , 2009 ) . The alkly group in the ester part of the polymer can be altered to obtain merchandises with better oil solubility and viscosity-improving belongingss. It besides have good compatibility with a big figure of refined and man-made basestocks. In a survey by Duncan and Turner ( 1997 ) , blends of lubricant basestocks with high viscousness complex intoxicant esters were produced. The blend comprises of a polyhydroxyl compound R ( OH ) N, a polybasic acid and a monohydric intoxicant. The complex intoxicant ester showed a pour point of less than or equal to -20A °C and a viscousness in the scope about 100-700 Central Time at 40A °C. The lubricating oil harmonizing to Duncan and Turner ‘s innovation has first-class prurience as determined by engine public presentation, vane pump trial, Yamaha Tightening Test, and reduced valve lodging. Besides, it has good stableness as evidenced by the consequences of RBOT and Cincinnati Milacron trials. The lubricator has besides unexpected biodegradability as measured by Sturm trial ( Duncan et al. , 1997 ) . Hunt et Al. ( 1993 ) carried out supercritical fluid extraction to analyze liquid poly ( alklene ethanediol ) ( PAG ) lubricators and sorbitan ester preparations. The PAG matrix was adsorbed onto silicon oxide and the selectivity obtained by this method was compared with that obtained by the direct extraction of adsorbed and unadsorbed PAG. Extraction was besides done for unadsorbed PAG through the in-line column and it was successful in dividing additives from all but the lowest molecular mass PAG oligomers. This extraction process enabled fractional process of the merchandise and could be used as a sample readying technique for farther spectroscopic analysis. It is hard to bring forth polymers with narrow molecular weight distributions by traditional methods. Supercritical fluid engineering is applied to get the better of the conventional methods. The solubilty parametric quantity of supercritical fluid can be tailored. Selective extraction and fractional process are possible from multi-component mixtures. The key to doing high quality polymers is to guarantee precise control of molecular weight and polydispersity at high output while maintaining residuary contaminations below acceptable tolerance degrees. Hernandez et. Al. ( 2005 ) tested the turn overing weariness of three polyglycols ( PAG-9, PAG-12 and BREOX-B-135X ) . Polyglycols ( besides called PAG or polyalkylene ethanediols ) are widely used in the lubrication industry. These compounds have really high viscousness indexes, really low pour points, a high thermic conduction with regard to mineral oils, hydrolytic stableness, etc. Rolling fatigue trials were carried out utilizing IP-300 criterion in order to obtain the word picture of the fluids. A four ball trial machine was used and 10 % life ( L10 ) and 50 % life ( L50 ) were obtained. The stress-time curves for L10 and L50 were besides determined. All polyglycols were tested under boundary lubrication government ( I » lt ; 1 ) where in turn overing contacts the surface manner of failures prevails. In oils of the same household, the pressure-viscosity coefficient is comparatively changeless. An addition in viscousness improved the minimal movie thickness with the attendant addition of the I » ratio. Fatigue life is mostly a map of the ratio of lubricating movie thickness to composite surface raggedness ( I » ratio ) . Differences in I » ratio for the three polyglycols resulted in different grimness interactions and turn overing contact weariness lives. With respect to turn overing contact weariness, the pick of viscousness category should avoid grimness interaction, so that the lone manner of failure will be subsurface failure. Although mean force per unit area in the contact was the same, increase in viscousness from PAG-9 to BREOX-B135X improved the I » ratio from 0.18 to 0.34. At less I » lt ; 1, operation is in the boundary lubrication government where turn overing contact fatigue life is short, but an addition of I » ratio cut down the grimness interactions an d hence rolled contact weariness improved. An probe was so carried put by Garcia and colleagues on PC-SAFT volumetric and stage behaviour of C dioxide + PAG or POE lubricant systems. The densenesss of man-made PAG oil was measured from 283.15 K to 333.15 K while the solubilities of CO2 in this oil was measured from 253 K to 333.15 K. Molecular weight of the lubricator was estimated utilizing fast atom barrage ( FAB ) . Molecular weight and experimental densenesss were used to cipher characteristic parametric quantities of PC-SAFT theoretical account for several commercial PAG oils. Movable characteristic parametric quantities were used for POEs. The thermophysical belongingss and phase behavior of CO2-lubricant oil mixtures is of import for the design of infrigidation and air-conditioning. The go arounding fluid comes into contact with the lubricator used in compressors and a part of the oil is transported into the infrigidation circuit with assorted effects in footings of public presentation. If the oil is non-miscible with the refrigerant, the compressor may be damaged due to hapless oil return to the compressor. Oil may roll up inside the heat money changer tubings cut downing heat transportation capablenesss, enthalpy alteration and ensuing in an overall decrease of the infrigidation capacity and rhythm public presentation. In add-on, high solubility of the refrigerant in the lubricator may cut down the viscousness of the oil-rich stage and consequences in lower lubrication belongingss which gives rise to dislocation of the compressor mechanical parts. Hauk A ; Weidner ( 2000 ) studied the thermodynamic and fluid-dynamic belongingss of C dioxide with different lubricators in chilling circuits for car application. The information of the binary mixture were measured at temperatures between 5 and 100 A °C under force per unit area of up to 150 saloon. The stage behaviour was observed qualitatively in a hugh-pressure position cell and was determined in an sterilizer based on a static-analytical method. The viscousness of the lubricator saturated with C dioxide was measured with an integrated vitreous silica viscometer. The pertinence of lubricators in car-climatization systems can be evaluated with the cognition of stage behaviour and the resulting viscousness of gas-saturated lubricantsThe stage behaviour of oils with C dioxide can be divided into three different types which are binary systems with closed miscibility spreads, systems with unfastened miscibility spreads, and systems that show barotropic phenomena. Oils that show barotropic behaviour in contact with tight C dioxide are non recommended as lubricators. Oils with complete or limited miscibility with C dioxide may be used. Firdovsi A ; Yagoub ( 2006 ) investigated the man-made heat bearer oil composings based on polyalklene ethanediols. Thermal stableness, mass loss on vaporization at 250 A °C, 350 A °C and altering the specifications after heating at 300 A °C for 10 Hs were besides studied. The prepared PAGs have been taken as basic constituents for heat bearer oil composings. It was discovered that the specifications of PAGs such as viscousness indices, pour points, acerb figure and brassy points changed dramatically upon heat handling. In order to better the thermic stableness and viscousness indices, anti-oxidant and anti-foaming additives were added to the base stuff to make optimal composings. The obtained heat bearer oils showed comparable improved belongingss in comparing with commercially available heat bearers. Methodology This undertaking will be divided into 2 phases as listed below. Poly ( glycerol-diacid ) polymer will be prepared by utilizing different hydrocarbon concatenation length of diacids ( such as azelaic, succinic and adipic acid ) . The merchandises will be analysed in order to analyze their chemical and physical belongingss. Phase 1: Chemical reactions of glycerin with different hydrocarbon concatenation length of diacid compounds ( e.g. azelaic, succinic or adipic acid ) at different mole ratios, are carried out under N2. The mixtures were charged to a reaction vas equipped with distillment setup. The reaction merchandise is allowed to respond at the coveted temperature and clip. Acid value ( AV ) , hydroxyl value ( OHV ) and glycerin content will be measured to keep the reaction advancement. Optimization of the reaction parametric quantities will be studied by changing different reaction parametric quantities such as type and sum of diacid, reaction clip, temperature and force per unit area. The concluding merchandise will be washed, dried and characterised. Phase 2: The merchandises obtained will be analysed by utilizing both High Performance Liquid Chromatography ( HPLC ) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ( GC-MS ) . Other instrumentality such as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy ( FT-IR ) , Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ( NMR ) and Gel Permeation Chromatography ( GPC ) will besides be utilised to further corroborate their molecular construction. Physical belongingss of the merchandises obtained such as viscousness, solubility, brassy point, fire point, denseness, specific gravitation, biodegradability, and oxidative stableness will be performed. Expected consequence: Polymers ensuing from the copolymerisation of glycerin with diacids of changing C concatenation length, molecular construction, and composing will be obtained. Structures holding more than two free acid functionalities at the end-terminals can happen merely after ramifying. As the clip of reaction returns, the viscousness increases which limits the interaction between the reactants and the turning polymers. The H2O solubilty of the oligomers decreases with increasing concatenation length of the diacid monomers of the diacid monomers used in fixing the oligomers. This glycerin based polymers are expected to possess broad scope of applications such as cosmetics and lubricators. How to cite Characterization Of A Glycerol Based Polymer Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Patriotism Essay Example For Students
Patriotism Essay Address before the Mens Club of the Prospect Street Congregational Church, Cambridge, Mass., June 7, 1898. There are moments in every mans life, in the life of every nation, when, under the excitement of passion, the simple truths which in common times are the foundation upon which the right order and conduct of life depend are apt to be forgotten and disregarded. I shall venture tonight to recall to you some of these commonplace truths, which in these days of war need more than ever to be kept in mind. There never was a land that better deserved the love of her people than America, for there never was a mother-country kinder to her children. Friends provide the safety and belonging even in times of war. People betray their country in their everyday actions, they deceive their employer, they lie to others, they cheat, and steal; but, one always thinks twice before betraying the trust of a friend. Shinji and Reiko remain loyal to what is important, their friends. Not only do Shinji and Reiko choose their friends over their country, they also find happiness in choosing each other rather than continuing in a world in which the two could not be together. This perfect union between the two illustrates something people search for everyday. Everyone is looking for his or her own Shinji or Reiko. This need to find a soul mate has spawned books, movies, songs, and plays. The boy meets girl scenario is a part of everyones life. In Patriotism, boy did meet girl, and this is a part of what makes this story universally appealing. People simply want someone with whom to share there lives. Finally, ones own personal freedom is more important that loyalty to ones family or country. This is probably the most egotistical of all choices a person makes. According to Abraham Maslows hierarchy of needs, satisfying the basic needs of ones self comes before even considering the needs of others. Shinji and Reiko are simply satisfying their need for personal freedom with their suicide. Anyone, given Shinji and Reikos situation, will act in the same way. Bibliography: .
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